The European Union under the e-cigarette to ensure its future

The first source of concern is of course health. Controls are currently too infrequent to ensure the consumer a product complies with European features. The various articles will therefore now make a request for placing on the market before marketing in the EU.

The liquid will also be forced to a less than 20 mg/ml dose of nicotine. A good initiative to avoid the dependence of the best vapoteur. Finally, individual refills will also be limited to 2ml, in order to standardize the time of consumption.

Europe hardens his fight against tobacco with electronic cigarette

In two years, the European Commission will take stock of the electronic cigarette. It will be positioned on the qualities and defects of the product, as well as monitoring of consumption, and will even have the freedom to boycott brands considered unhealthy if three member states denounce.

Meanwhile, the tobacco industry has taken for his rank. Messages warning of 65% of the surface of its packets, the final judgment artificial flavors 2016 (the menthols go until 2020). It is clearly seen to draw an exit strategy smoking with the electronic cigarette, it is first necessary to build and fit.

The agreement is not yet law. For this, it must be voted by parliament in 2014, and, if accepted, enacted into law in the member states on the following two years. Nevertheless a very nice victory for our hobby steam with the wind in their sails.

Hazardous metals in the e-cigarette

Formalin is not the only dangerous substance observed in e-cigarettes, writing 60 million consumers.

Traces of potentially toxic metals are present in the model Cigartex, chromium, nickel or lead. There are also antimony, a dangerous metal in excess of those in the conventional cigarette makers.

Moreover, some refills e-liquid containing nicotine are toxic when ingested in large quantities and their contact with the skin will cause severe poisoning .The study of 60 million consumers is the first to expose the risks of electronic cigarette, whose recent success translates into a million customers in France.

A debate is scheduled on September 10 to the European Parliament reconsider the status of the electronic cigarette as a drug , allowing tighter regulation .The president of the Independent Association of users of electronic cigarettes (Aiduce) Lepoutre Brice said he was disgusted by the “outrageous and dangerous that could return many people to tobacco, it is very dangerous” study.

These products still do not have the control imposed on conventional cigarettes as they do not contain tobacco. Electronic cigarettes are in free circulation no real method of assessing their components.

In this regard, the National Consumer Institute (INC) has requested recovery of regulatory standards. Smoking is responsible for 73,000 deaths each year in France. The potential risks of electronic cigarette concern about a million French who wish to smoke less or stop this way.